Services: Privacy Policy Development & Review
The protection of private information has become become an issue that companies need
to address.
In Canada, privacy legislation went into effect in January of 2004. Bill C6, the Personal
Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), brings stringent privacy requirements
to privately held companies that once were only required for government and related organizations.
The new laws are complaint based and there is no requirement for the complainer to show any damages
for a fine to occur.
Whether you are worried about protecting private information to comply with the new legislation
or to protect your goodwill, the creation of a strong privacy policy will prevent the
accidental disclosure of private information.
Risk Assessment
Internet Vulnerability Assessment
Network Penetration Testing
Security Policy, Process, and Procedure Review
Design and Implementation
Secure Remote Access Infrastructure
Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
Secure Wireless Networking
Privacy of Personal Information
Development of Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy Audit
Awareness and Education
Management and Staff Awareness
IT Staff Security Administration Training
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