Information technology risk management and computer security consulting | Vancouver, Canada, | specializing in network and wireless security

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Services: Security Policy & Procedures Development and Review

An analysis of the policies, processes and procedures in place within the organization. Based on interviews and controls testing, this review ensures that the fundamental non-technical steps have been taken to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of systems and data.

Security policy is the foundation on which an organization's information security architecture is built. Solid policy will clearly state the security goals of the organization to ensure that everyone is operating from the same playbook. Restrictions and consequences of risky actions should also be clearly stated.

Poor security policy, which is unclear, inaccessible, unenforced, not signed off by management, or is poorly communicated will result in your organizations most critical assets paddling in different directions. No amount of security technology will compensate for a lack of standards by which everyone operates.

With direct experience performing controls assessments against ISO 17799/27002 and CobiT standards, our consultants can help ensure that your organization is operating based on industry standard security practices.

Risk Assessment

Internet Vulnerability Assessment
Network Penetration Testing
Security Policy, Process, and Procedure Review

Design and Implementation

Secure Remote Access Infrastructure
Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
Secure Wireless Networking

Privacy of Personal Information

Development of Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy Audit

Awareness and Education

Management and Staff Awareness
IT Staff Security Administration Training

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